HR Blog

Kate Myrie Kate Myrie

Getting the HR basics right!

All employers of every shape or size have an obligation to provide a written statement of employment particulars i.e. an employment contract! This needs to be issued on or before the employee’s first day of work. So what do you need to be checking for?

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Kate Myrie Kate Myrie

Designing an effective learning strategy

How can organisations effectively design a learning strategy that positively impacts the business?

Quite simply by understanding the key skills that are needed to succeed.

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Kate Myrie Kate Myrie

Ageing Workforce

Research shows that older employees are very reliable. They are more likely to show up to work on time and less likely to call in sick. There are many benefits to employing older people. So how can you attract and retain older employees?

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Kate Myrie Kate Myrie

Menopause: Why should organisations care?

Severe menopausal symptoms can influence business productivity, attrition, employee engagement, well-being and absenteeism so it makes sense for businesses to understand this life phase.

What could your organisation be doing to support employees during menopause?

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