Coaching (not coaching) for HR Professionals.

I work with brilliant HR professionals just like you, every day, and I know it is bloody hard and can feel lonely at times.

We’re expected to know everything, have the answers to everyone’s questions, keep up with the latest trends and have best practice at our fingertips.

Sometimes, we all need support and clarity from a friend, whether that’s in providing straight answers or helping you find solutions yourself. 

Do you need?

  • 1:1 professional development 

  • Support with strategic planning 

  • Help to achieve a specific objective 

  • Coaching for a quiet confidence boost.

“I’m not a coach, although I have trained to be one. With 20 years in recruitment and HR, and seven of those as a Consultant, I’ve seen a lot and I’m on a mission to help you be the best you can be.”

- Laura Callahan

Working with me.

‘The mind that has the problem, has the solution.’
— Nancy Kline
  • Sometimes, you have questions and want answers, so I’ll give them to you

  • Occasionally, you need help to think strategically about HR

  • From time to time, you partner with or coach a business leader, and you need support to approach it in the right way

  • Every now and again, you need someone like me to reflect your brilliance back at you and throw in some fearless energy to help you find your own solutions and get to where you want to be.

So, how did I do?