How to complete a ‘Right to Work’ check

All employers are required to check that a potential employee is entitled to work in the UK.

You can do this in one of three ways dependant on your employee’s status.

A manual right to work check | EEA Nationals

This requires a physical check of accepted documents for identification purposes (See lists of accepted documents on pages 3 & 4 of our free download) 

A right to work check using Identity Document Validation Technology (IDVT) via the services of an Identity Service Provider (IDSP) | EEA Nationals

This allows the manual identification element to be conducted by a third party called an Identity Service Provider. (The Home Office recommends only using an IDSP that satisys a minimum of a Medium Level of Confidence. A list of certified providers is available on GOV.UK: Digital identity certification for right to work, right to rent and criminal record checks.) (page 5 of our free download) 

A Home Office online right to work check | Non-EEA Nationals/EEA nationals in EU Settlement Scheme

This requires a ‘share code’ to be given by the applicant (see page 6 of our free download) 

Download our detailed guide by clicking on the button below 👇


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